一、Enemy Aim Ai
目的: 这篇文章的主要目的是为了让您了解有关如何使用 Enemy Aim Ai 。你会得到结果:
将 TargetMovementScript 应用于游戏对象
将Cube 作为对象来将移动上 player'scommands。
public class TargetMovementScript : MonoBehaviour { public float targetSpeed=9.0f;//Speed At Which the Object Should Move void Update () transform.Translate (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime*targetSpeed,Input.GetAxis ("Vertical")*Time.deltaTime*targetSpeed,0); } }
public class EnemyAimScript : MonoBehaviour { public Transform target; // Target Object public float enemyAimSpeed=5.0f; // Speed at Which Enenmy locks on the Target Quaternion newRotation; float orientTransform; float orientTarget; void Update () { orientTransform = transform.position.x; orientTarget = target.position.x; // To Check on which side is the target , i.e. Right or Left of this Object if (orientTransform > orientTarget) { // Will Give Rotation angle , so that Arrow Points towards that target newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (transform.position - target.position, -Vector3.up); } else { newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (transform.position - target.position,Vector3.up); } // Here we have to freeze rotation along X and Y Axis, for proper movement of the arrow newRotation.x = 0.0f; newRotation.y = 0.0f; // Finally rotate and aim towards the target direction using Code below transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp (transform.rotation,newRotation,Time.deltaTime * enemyAimSpeed); // Another Alternative // transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation,newRotation, Time.deltaTime * enemyAimSpeed); } }
可以脚本通过允许X 或 Y 轴旋转,为了解这一概念的 。
可以给敌人添加Follow 脚本,以便敌人Follow 和 瞄准 玩家。
FSM 的基础知识:
在游戏中实施 AI Finite State Machine Framework是完美的, 产生伟大的结果,而无需复杂的代码。
Step - 2: Create and place Game Objects
创建空的游戏对象并将其作为游子点Wanderer Points。放置这些空的游戏对象下,为您选择平面周围。在这里蓝色的Cube是 AI Cube和红一个是玩家控制的Cube。将它们放在距离不够远。
Step - 3: Implement the BoxMovement Script
实现 BoxMovement 脚本来控制玩家的Cube的移动:如下:
public class BoxMovementScript : MonoBehaviour { public float speed = 0.1f; private Vector3 positionVector3; void Update () { InitializePosition (); if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { GoLeft (); } if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.RightArrow)) { GoRight (); } if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.UpArrow)) { GoTop (); } if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.DownArrow)) { GoDown (); } RotateNow (); } private void InitializePosition () { positionVector3 = transform.position; } private void RotateNow () { Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (transform.position - positionVector3); transform.rotation = targetRotation; } private void GoLeft () { transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3 (-speed, 0, 0); } private void GoRight () { transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3 (speed, 0, 0); } private void GoTop () { transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3 (0, 0, speed); } private void GoDown () { transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3 (0, 0, -speed); } }
Step - 4: FSM Modelled Script
public class FSM : MonoBehaviour { //Player Transform protected Transform playerTransform; //Next destination position of the Box protected Vector3 destPos; //List of points for patrolling protected GameObject[] pointList; protected virtual void Initialize (){ } protected virtual void FSMUpdate (){ } protected virtual void FSMFixedUpdate (){ } void Start () { Initialize (); } void Update () { FSMUpdate (); } void FixedUpdate () { FSMFixedUpdate (); } }
Step - 5: AI Script for the Box
构建 AI 脚本作为Box扩展.
public class BoxFSM : FSM { public enum FSMState { None, Patrol, Chase, } //Current state that the Box is in public FSMState curState; //Speed of the Box private float curSpeed; //Box Rotation Speed private float curRotSpeed; //Initialize the Finite state machine for the AI Driven Box protected override void Initialize () { curState = FSMState.Patrol; curSpeed = 5.0f; curRotSpeed = 1.5f; //Get the list of points pointList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("WandarPoint"); //Set Random destination point for the patrol state first FindNextPoint (); //Get the target enemy(Player) GameObject objPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); playerTransform = objPlayer.transform; if (!playerTransform) print ("Player doesn't exist.. Please add one " + "with Tag named 'Player'"); } //Update each frame protected override void FSMUpdate () { switch (curState) { case FSMState.Patrol: UpdatePatrolState (); break; case FSMState.Chase: UpdateChaseState (); break; } } protected void UpdatePatrolState () { //Find another random patrol point on reaching the current Point //point is reached if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, destPos) <= 2.5f) { print ("Reached to the destination point\n" + "calculating the next point"); FindNextPoint (); } //Check the distance with player Box //When the distance is near, transition to chase state else if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, playerTransform.position) <= 15.0f) { print ("Switch to Chase State"); curState = FSMState.Chase; } //Rotate to the target point Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (destPos - transform.position); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * curRotSpeed); //Go Forward transform.Translate (Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * curSpeed); } protected void FindNextPoint () { print ("Finding next point"); int rndIndex = Random.Range (0, pointList.Length); float rndRadius = 5.0f; Vector3 rndPosition = Vector3.zero; destPos = pointList [rndIndex].transform.position + rndPosition; //Check Range to Move and decide the random point //as the same as before if (IsInCurrentRange (destPos)) { rndPosition = new Vector3 (Random.Range (-rndRadius, rndRadius), 0.0f, Random.Range (-rndRadius, rndRadius)); destPos = pointList [rndIndex].transform.position + rndPosition; } } protected bool IsInCurrentRange (Vector3 pos) { float xPos = Mathf.Abs (pos.x - transform.position.x); float zPos = Mathf.Abs (pos.z - transform.position.z); if (xPos <= 8 && zPos <= 8) return true; return false; } protected void UpdateChaseState () { //Set the target position as the player position destPos = playerTransform.position; //Check the distance with player Box When float dist = Vector3.Distance (transform.position, playerTransform.position); //Go back to patrol as player is now too far if (dist >= 15.0f) { curState = FSMState.Patrol; FindNextPoint (); } //Rotate to the target point Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (destPos - transform.position); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * curRotSpeed); //Go Forward transform.Translate (Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * curSpeed); } }
此脚本适用于Cube是要跟随玩家,不要忘记把player标记Tag为 Player 和 Tag 为 WandarPoint,现在如 FSMUpdate() 所示的脚本将调用方法,这在子类中重写和它将在每个 update () 上执行。
在这里switch case被实施 将用于执行的当前状态的操作。 因此扩展 AI 是很简单的仅仅通过添加新的state。Initialize() 方法也重写,并将在 start () 方法中调用执行。UpdatePatrolState() 将在每次更新上执行,当当前状态是patrol 周围巡逻,也将会发生在 UpdateChaseState(),当玩家在接近度 AI Box。如果当处于巡逻,玩家进来的 AI Box中,状态将更改为 巡逻,相同 类型的检查仍在 追逐模式检查如果球员已远离其视野范围, 然后切换回巡逻状态, 在每个更新,检查状态更改。
FSM 的很容易理解和实现,Fsm 可以用于执行复杂的 AI 。他们也可以表示使用图,允许开发人员很容易理解,因此开发人员可以调整、 改变和优化的最终结果。有限状态机使用的函数或方法来代表状态执行是简单、 功能强大、 易于扩展。 可以使用基于堆栈的状态机,确保易于管理和稳定的 执行流,而不会产生消极影响的代码应用甚至更复杂的 AI。 所以让你的敌人更聪明使用有限状态机,让您的游戏的成功。