

The Cloth component provides a physics-based solution for the simulation of fabrics and works in conjunction with the Skinned Mesh Renderer. While it has been specifically designed for character clothing it is still possible to use arbitrary, non-skinned meshes.


属性: 功能:
Stretching Stiffness 布料的拉伸刚度。
Bending Stiffness 布料的弯曲刚度。
Use Tethers 施加约束以帮助防止移动的布料粒子离开固定粒子的距离太远。此属性有助于减少过度拉伸。
Use Gravity 是否应该对布料施加重力加速度?
Damping 运动阻尼系数。
External Acceleration 施加在布料上的恒定外部加速度。
Random Acceleration 施加在布料上的随机外部加速度。
World Velocity Scale 角色多大程度的世界空间移动会影响布料顶点。
World Acceleration Scale 角色多大的世界空间加速度会影响布料顶点。
Friction 布料与角色碰撞时的摩擦力。
Collision Mass Scale 碰撞粒子的质量增加量。
Use Continuous Collision 启用连续碰撞来提高碰撞稳定性。
Use Virtual Particles 每个三角形添加一个虚拟粒子,从而提高碰撞稳定性。
Solver Frequency 解算器每秒迭代次数。
Sleep Threshold 布料的睡眠阈值。
Capsule Colliders 应与此 Cloth 实例碰撞的 CapsuleCollider 的数组。
Sphere Colliders 应与此 Cloth 实例碰撞的 ClothSphereColliderPairs 的数组。


布料不响应场景中的任何碰撞体,也不会将力反射回世界。添加 Cloth 组件后,该组件完全不会响应和影响任何其他实体。因此在手动将碰撞体从世界添加到 Cloth 组件之前,布料和世界无法识别或看到彼此。即使执行了此操作,模拟仍是单向的:布料可以响应实体,但不会反向施力。



Selecting Edit Constraints will enter the editor into a mode to edit the constraints applied to each of the vertices in the cloth mesh. All vertices will be coloured based on the current Visualization mode to display the difference between their respective values.

属性: 功能:
Visualization 在 Scene 视图中的 Max Distance 属性值和 Surface Penetration 属性值之间切换工具的视觉外观。此外,还提供了用于操纵背面的开关。
Max Distance 布料粒子可从顶点位置行进的最大距离。
Surface Penetration 布料粒子可穿透网格的深度。

There are two modes that can be used for changing the values for each vertex, in Select mode a group of vertices can be selected using the mouse cursor to either draw a selection box or else by individually clicking on vertices one at a time. Once any number of cloth vertices have been selected they can then have either Max Distance or Surface Penetration constraints enabled and a value assigned.

Paint mode allows you to directly adjust each individual vertex by clicking on it, again with options to adjust the Max Distance, Surface Penetration, or both. As before a value can be assigned and the visual representation in the scene view will be updated.



球形碰撞体数组可以包含单个有效的 SphereCollider 实例(第二个为 null)或一对实例。在前一种情况下,ClothSphereColliderPair 仅表示待碰撞布料的单个球形碰撞体。在后一种情况下,它表示由两个球体以及连接这两个球体的锥体所定义的圆锥形胶囊形状。圆锥形胶囊形状在对角色的四肢进行建模时非常有用。
