Using Java or Kotlin source files as plug-ins
Android 单通道立体渲染

自定义 Android 启动画面

If you have a Unity Personal subscription, a default splash screen displays while your game loads. It is oriented according to the Default Screen Orientation option in the Player settings. You cannot change this splash screen.

Unity Pro subscription users can change the splash screen. You can use any Texture in the project as a splash screen. You can set the Texture from the Android Player Splash Image settings. You should also select the Splash scaling method from the following options:

  • Center (only scale down) 以自然大小绘制图像,除非图像太大(在这种情况下会缩小图像来进行适应)。
  • Scale to fit (letter-boxed) 在绘制图像时让较长的尺寸精确适应屏幕大小。较短尺寸两侧的空白空间填充为黑色。
  • Scale to fill (cropped) 会缩放图像以使较短的尺寸精确适应屏幕大小。图像的较长尺寸将被裁剪。
Using Java or Kotlin source files as plug-ins
Android 单通道立体渲染