Animator Override Controller



Once you have your Blend Shapes set up in Autodesk® Maya®:

  • 将选择的内容导出到 FBX,确保选中动画复选框并选中变形模型下的混合形状。

  • Import your FBX file into Unity (from the main Unity menu: Assets > Import New Asset and then choose your file).

  • Drag the Asset into the hierarchy window. If you select your object in the hierarchy and look in the inspector, you will see your Blend Shapes are listed under the SkinnedMeshRenderer component. Here you can adjust the influence of the blend shape to the default shape, 0 means the blend shape has no influence and 100 means the blend shape has full influence.

在 Unity 中创建动画

也可以使用 Unity 中的 Animation 窗口来创建混合动画,步骤如下:

  • Open the Animation window under Window > Animation > Animation.

  • 在窗口左侧,单击“Add Curve”,然后添加 Blend Shape,它将位于 Skinned Mesh Renderer 下。


完成动画编辑后,可在 Editor 窗口或 Animation 窗口中单击 Play 以预览动画。


也可以使用 GetBlendShapeWeight 和 SetBlendShapeWeight 等函数来通过代码设置混合权重。

您还可以通过访问 blendShapeCount 变量以及其他有用的函数来检查 Mesh 上有多少混合形状。

以下代码示例连接到具有 3 个或更多混合形状的游戏对象时,随着时间推移,会将默认形状与其他两个混合形状混合在一起:

//使用 C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class BlendShapeExample : MonoBehaviour
       int blendShapeCount;
       SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer;
       Mesh skinnedMesh;
       float blendOne = 0f;
       float blendTwo = 0f;
       float blendSpeed = 1f;
       bool blendOneFinished = false;
       void Awake ()
          skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer> ();
          skinnedMesh = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer> ().sharedMesh;
       void Start ()
          blendShapeCount = skinnedMesh.blendShapeCount; 
       void Update ()
          if (blendShapeCount > 2) {
                 if (blendOne < 100f) {
                    skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (0, blendOne);
                    blendOne += blendSpeed;
                 } else {
                    blendOneFinished = true;
                 if (blendOneFinished == true && blendTwo < 100f) {
                    skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (1, blendTwo);
                    blendTwo += blendSpeed;
Animator Override Controller