脚本化导入器 (Scripted Importer)


正在开发的 Unity 功能。

Unity Technologies 会在标准 Unity Editor 安装程序(从 Unity 商店下载)中补充一些实验性功能。在安装 Unity Editor 后,如果需要其他实验性功能,必须从 Unity Technologies GitHub 单独下载和安装这些功能。

Editor 中的实验性功能

要访问 Unity 中的实验性功能,请选择 Window > Experimental > [功能名称]

Plugin experimental features

To access Unity experimental feature plugins, download them from the Unity Technologies GitHub and install them separately to the Unity Editor.

  • 2017–06–07 Page amended with editorial review

  • GitHub link and plugins added in documentation version 5.6

脚本化导入器 (Scripted Importer)