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DirectX11.1 立体 3D 支持的立体渲染。


  • Windows 10
  • Graphic card that supports DirectX 11.
  • The graphics card driver needs to be set up with stereo support, and you need to use a dual DVI or DisplayPort cable; a single DVI is not enough.

The Stereoscopic checkbox in the Player settings is strictly for DirectX 11.1’s stereoscopic 3d support. It doesn’t currently use AMD’s quad buffer extension. Make sure that this sample works on your machine. Stereo support works both in fullscreen and windowed mode.

启动游戏时,按住 Shift 可调出分辨率对话框。如果检测到支持 Stereo3D 的显示器,分辨率对话框中将显示相应的复选框。Camera 上有几个与 API 相关的选项:stereoEnabled、stereoSeparation 和 stereoConvergence。请使用这几个选项来调整效果。在场景中只需要一个摄像机,两只眼睛的渲染是由这些参数来处理的。

Note that this checkbox is not for VR headsets. ​

1.使用此示例检查您的设置。 2. Check the Stereoscopic Rendering and Use Direct3D 11 checkboxes in the Player settings. 3.发布为 32 位和 64 位应用程序。 4.以单摄像机和双摄像机进行尝试。 5. Hold Shift when launching the application to see Stereo 3D checkbox in the resolution dialog. The resolution dialog might be suppressed or always enabled depending on the Project’s Player settings.

注意:目前,如果将 Unity 设置为在线性颜色空间中渲染,则会破坏立体渲染。这似乎是 Direct3D 的局限性。似乎还有一个问题:如果您启用了某些实时阴影(在前向渲染中),则 camera.stereoconvergence 参数完全不起作用。在延迟光照中,您将获得一些阴影,但左右眼之间不一致。

从 3D 建模软件导入模型