Order of Execution for Event Functions

Understanding Automatic Memory Management

创建对象、字符串或数组时,用于存储它的内存是从称为的中央池分配的。当此项不再使用时,其先前占用的内存可被回收并用于其他目的。在过去,通常由程序员通过适当的函数调用显式地分配和释放这些堆内存块。如今,Unity 的 Mono 引擎等运行时系统会自动为您管理内存。自动内存管理比显式分配/释放的做法需要更少的编码工作,并且大大降低了内存泄漏的可能性(即分配了内存但后续从未释放的情况)。

Value and Reference Types


在参数传递期间直接存储和复制的类型称为值类型。这些类型包括整数、浮点数、布尔值和 Unity 的结构类型(例如,__Color__ 和 __Vector3__)。在堆上分配后再通过指针访问的类型称为引用类型,因为在变量中存储的值仅“引用”实际数据。引用类型的示例包括对象、字符串和数组。

Allocation and Garbage Collection


为确定哪些堆块已不再使用,内存管理器会搜索所有当前处于活动状态的引用变量,并将它们引用的块标记为“实时”。在搜索结束时,内存管理器会认为实时块之间的任何空间都是空的并可用于后续分配。由于显而易见的原因,定位和释放未使用的内存的过程称为垃圾收集(或简称 GC)。

Unity uses the Boehm–Demers–Weiser garbage collector, a stop-the-world garbage collector. Whenever Unity needs to perform garbage collection, it stops running your program code and only resumes normal execution when the garbage collector has finished all its work. This interruption can cause delays in the execution of your game that last anywhere from less than one millisecond to hundreds of milliseconds, depending on how much memory the garbage collector needs to process and on the platform the game is running on. For real-time applications like games, this can become quite a big issue, because you can’t sustain the consistent frame rate that smooth animation require when the garbage collector suspends a game’s execution. These interruptions are also known as GC spikes, because they show as spikes in the Profiler frame time graph. In the next sections you can learn more about how to write your code to avoid unnecessary garbage-collected memory allocations while running the game, so the garbage collector has less work to do.


Garbage collection is automatic and invisible to the programmer but the collection process actually requires significant CPU time behind the scenes. When used correctly, automatic memory management will generally equal or beat manual allocation for overall performance. However, it is important for the programmer to avoid mistakes that will trigger the collector more often than necessary and introduce pauses in execution.

有一些臭名昭着的算法虽然一眼看上去好像是无辜的,但可能成为 GC 的噩梦。重复的字符串连接便是一个典型的例子:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    void ConcatExample(int[] intArray) {
        string line = intArray[0].ToString();
        for (i = 1; i < intArray.Length; i++) {
            line += ", " + intArray[i].ToString();
        return line;

此处的关键细节是新的部分不会逐一添加到字符串。实际情况的是,每次循环时,line 变量的先前内容变为死亡状态:分配的整个新字符串将包含原始部分加上末尾的新部分。由于字符串随着 i 值的增加而变长,因此消耗的堆空间量也会增加,所以每次调用此函数时都很容易用掉数百个字节的空闲堆空间。如果需要将大量字符串连接在一起,那么 Mono 库的 System.Text.StringBuilder 类将是更好的选择。

但是,即使重复的连接也不会造成太大麻烦,除非频繁调用,而在 Unity 中这通常意味着帧更新。类似以下脚本:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    public GUIText scoreBoard;
    public int score;
    void Update() {
        string scoreText = "Score: " + score.ToString();
        scoreBoard.text = scoreText;

…在每次调用 Update 时都会分配新的字符串,并生成源源不断的垃圾。通过仅在 score 发生变化时才更新 text,可避免大部分的垃圾:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    public GUIText scoreBoard;
    public string scoreText;
    public int score;
    public int oldScore;
    void Update() {
        if (score != oldScore) {
            scoreText = "Score: " + score.ToString();
            scoreBoard.text = scoreText;
            oldScore = score;


//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    float[] RandomList(int numElements) {
        var result = new float[numElements];
        for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
            result[i] = Random.value;
        return result;


//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    void RandomList(float[] arrayToFill) {
        for (int i = 0; i < arrayToFill.Length; i++) {
            arrayToFill[i] = Random.value;


Disabling garbage collection

If you are using the Mono or IL2CPP scripting backend, you can avoid CPU spikes during garbage collection by disabling garbage collection at run time. When you disable garbage collection, memory usage never decreases because the garbage collector does not collect objects that no longer have any references. In fact, memory usage can only ever increase when you disable garbage collection. To avoid increased memory usage over time, take care when managing memory. Ideally, allocate all memory before you disable the garbage collector and avoid additional allocations while it is disabled.

For more details on how to enable and disable garbage collection at run time, see the GarbageCollector Scripting API page.

You can also try an experimental, incremental garbage collection option.

Requesting a Collection

As mentioned above, it is best to avoid allocations as far as possible. However, given that they can’t be completely eliminated, there are two main strategies you can use to minimise their intrusion into gameplay.

Small heap with fast and frequent garbage collection

这种策略通常最适合游戏运行过程很长且主要关注帧率平滑性的游戏。像这样的游戏通常会频繁分配小块,但这些块的使用时间很短暂。在 iOS 上使用此策略时的典型堆大小约为 200KB,在 iPhone 3G 上的垃圾收集时间大约需要 5ms。如果堆大小增加到 1MB,则收集时间将大约需要 7ms。因此,有时,以定期的帧间隔请求进行垃圾收集可能是有利的。这种情况下通常会使垃圾收集频率高于严格意义上的要求,但是这些行为将得到快速处理,并且对游戏运行过程的影响极小:

if (Time.frameCount % 30 == 0)


Large heap with slow but infrequent garbage collection

这种策略最适合内存分配(因此垃圾收集)相对不频繁并可在游戏运行过程的暂停期间进行处理的游戏。一种非常有用的方法是,尽可能增大堆的大小,但不至于因为系统内存不足而导致操作系统终止您的应用程序。但是,Mono 运行时会尽可能避免自动扩展堆。这种情况下,可通过在启动期间预先分配一些占位空间来手动扩展堆(即,实例化一个纯粹为了影响内存管理器而分配的“无用”对象):

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        var tmp = new System.Object[1024];
        // make allocations in smaller blocks to avoid them to be treated in a special way, which is designed for large blocks
        for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
            tmp[i] = new byte[1024];
        // release reference
        tmp = null;




Reusable Object Pools


Incremental Garbage Collection (Experimental)

Note: This is a preview feature and is subject to change. Any Projects that use this feature may need updating in a future release. Do not rely on this feature for full-scale production until it is officially released.

Incremental Garbage Collection spreads out the work performed to perform garbage collection over multiple frames.

With Incremental garbage collection, Unity still uses the Boehm–Demers–Weiser garbage collector, but runs it in an incremental mode. Instead of doing a full garbage collection each time it runs, Unity splits up the garbage collection workload over multiple frames. So instead of having a single, long interruption of your program’s execution to allow the garbage collector to do its work, you have multiple, much shorter interruptions. While this does not make garbage collection faster overall, it can significantly reduce the problem of garbage collection “spikes” breaking the smoothness of your game by distributing the workload over multiple frames.

The following screenshots from the Unity Profiler, without and with incremental garbage collection enabled, illustrate how incremental collection reduces frame rate hiccups. In these profile traces, the light blue parts of the frame show how much time is used by script operations, the yellow parts show the time remaining in the frame until Vsync (waiting for the next frame to begin), and the dark green parts show the time spent for garbage collection.

Nonincremental garbage collection profile
Nonincremental garbage collection profile

Without incremental GC (above), you can see a spike interrupting the otherwise smooth 60fps frame rate. This spike pushes the frame in which garbage collection occurs well over the 16 millisecond limit required to maintain 60FPS. (In fact, this example drops more than one frame because of garbage collection.)

Incremental garbage collection profile
Incremental garbage collection profile

With incremental garbage collection enabled (above), the same project keeps its consistent 60fps frame rate, as the garbage collection operation is broken up over several frames, using only a small time slice of each frame (the darker green fringe just above the yellow Vsync trace).

Incremental garbage collection using left over time in frame
Incremental garbage collection using left over time in frame

This screenshot shows the same project, also running with incremental garbage collection enabled, but this time with fewer scripting operations per frame. Again, the garbage collection operation is broken up over several frames. The difference is that this time, the garbage collection uses more time each frame, and requires fewer total frames to finish. This is because we adjust the time allotted to the garbage collection based on the remaining available frame time if Vsync or Application.targetFrameRate is being used. This way, we can run the garbage collection in time which would otherwise be spent waiting, and thus get garbage collection “for free”.

Enabling incremental garbage collection

Incremental garbage collection is currently supported on Mac, Windows and Linux Standalone Players and on iOS, Android and Windows UWP players. More supported platforms will be added in the future. Incremental garbage collection requires the new .NET 4.x Equivalent scripting runtime version.

On supported configurations, Unity provides Incremental garbage collection as an experimental option in the “Other settings” area of the Player settings window. Just enable the Use incremental GC (Experimental) checkbox.

Player Settings to enable incremental garbage collection
Player Settings to enable incremental garbage collection

In addition, if you set the VSync Count to anything other than Don’t Sync in your project Quality settings or with the Application.VSync property or you set the Application.targetFrameRate property, Unity automatically uses any idle time left at the end of a given frame for incremental garbage collection.

You can exercise more precise control over incremental garbage collection behavior using the Scripting.GarbageCollector class. For example, if you do not want to use VSync or a target frame rate, you could calculate the amount of time available before the end of a frame yourself and provide that time to the garbage collector to use.

Possible problems with incremental collection

In most cases, incremental garbage collection can mitigate the problem of garbage collection spikes. However, in some cases, incremental garbage collection may not prove beneficial in practice.

When incremental garbage collection breaks up its work, it breaks up the marking phase in which it scans all managed objects to determine which objects are still in use and which objects can be cleaned up. Dividing up the marking phase works well when most of the references between objects don’t change between slices of work. When an object reference does change, those objects must be scanned again in the next iteration. Thus, too many changes can overwhelm the incremental garbage collector and cause a situation where the marking pass never finishes because it always has more work to do – in this case, the garbage collection falls back to doing a full, non-incremental collection.

Also, when using incremental garbage collection, Unity needs to generate additional code (known as write barriers) to inform the garbage collection whenever a reference has changed (so the garbage collection will know if it needs to rescan an object). This adds some overhead when changing references which can have a measurable performance impact in some managed code.

Still, most typical Unity projects (if there is such a thing as a “typical” Unity project) can benefit from incremental garbage collection, especially if they suffer from garbage collection spikes.

Always use the Profiler to verify that your game or program performs as you expect.

Experimental status

Incremental garbage collection is included in Unity 2019.1 as an experimental preview feature. This has been done for a number of reasons: * It isn’t yet supported on all platforms. * As outlined in the “Possible problems with incremental collection” section above, we expect incremental garbage collection to be beneficial or at least not detrimental performance-wise for most Unity content, and this seems to have been true for various projects we have been testing with. But as Unity content is very diverse, we want to make sure that this assumption stays true across the greater Unity ecosystem, and we need your feedback on this. * The requirement for Unity code and scripting VM (mono, il2cpp) to add write barriers to inform the garbage collection whenever references in managed memory have changed introduces a potential source of bugs where we have missed adding such a write barrier, which could lead to objects being garbage collected when they are still needed. Now, we have done extensive testing (both manual and automated) and we aren’t aware of any such issues, and we believe that this feature is stable (otherwise, we would not ship it). But, once again, because of the diversity of Unity content and because such bugs might turn out to be hard to trigger in practice, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that there may be issues.

So, overall we believe that this feature works as expected and there are no known issues with it. But, because of the complexity of the Unity ecosystem, we need some time and exposure to get the confidence to drop the experimental label, which we will do based on the feedback we get.

Further Information

内存管理是一个微妙而复杂的主题,业界已投入了大量的学术努力。如果有兴趣了解这一主题,memorymanagement.org 将是极好的资源,其中列出了大量出版物和在线文章。如需了解对象池的更多信息,请访问 Wikipedia 页面以及 Sourcemaking.com

  • 2019–01–17
  • Ability to disable garbage collection on Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends added in Unity 2018.3 NewIn20183
  • Added exerimental Incremental Garbage Collection feature added in Unity 2019.1 NewIn20191
Order of Execution for Event Functions