用于来自 Mono (CS/JS) 的 Android Dalvik (Java) VM 的“原始”JNI 接口。
注意:必须具备 Android Java 原生接口 (JNI) 的高级知识才能使用原生 JNI 函数。请做好记录。
AllocObject | 分配新 Java 对象,而不为该对象调用任何构造函数。 |
AttachCurrentThread | 将当前线程附加到 Java (Dalvik) VM。 |
CallBooleanMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallByteMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallCharMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallDoubleMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallFloatMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallIntMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallLongMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallObjectMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallShortMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallStaticBooleanMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticByteMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticCharMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticDoubleMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticFloatMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticIntMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticLongMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticObjectMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticShortMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticStringMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStaticVoidMethod | Invokes the specified methodID static method on a Java object, optionally passing in an array of arguments (args). |
CallStringMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
CallVoidMethod | Calls a Java instance method defined by methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method. |
DeleteGlobalRef | 删除 obj 指向的全局引用。 |
DeleteLocalRef | 删除 obj 指向的局部引用。 |
DetachCurrentThread | 将当前线程从 Java (Dalvik) VM 中分离。 |
EnsureLocalCapacity | 确保可在当前线程中创建不少于指定数量的局部引用。 |
ExceptionClear | 清除当前抛出的任何异常。 |
ExceptionDescribe | 将堆栈的异常和回溯打印至 logcat |
ExceptionOccurred | 确定是否正在抛出异常。 |
FatalError | 引发致命错误,预计 VM 无法恢复。此函数不返回。 |
FindClass | 此函数将加载局部定义的类。 |
FromBooleanArray | Converts a Java array of boolean to a managed array of System.Boolean. |
FromByteArray | Converts a Java array of byte to a managed array of System.Byte. |
FromCharArray | Converts a Java array of char to a managed array of System.Char. |
FromDoubleArray | Converts a Java array of double to a managed array of System.Double. |
FromFloatArray | Converts a Java array of float to a managed array of System.Single. |
FromIntArray | Converts a Java array of int to a managed array of System.Int32. |
FromLongArray | Converts a Java array of long to a managed array of System.Int64. |
FromObjectArray | Converts a Java array of java.lang.Object to a managed array of System.IntPtr, representing Java objects. |
FromReflectedField | 将 java.lang.reflect.Field 转换为字段 ID。 |
FromReflectedMethod | 将 java.lang.reflect.Method 或 java.lang.reflect.Constructor 对象转换为方法 ID。 |
FromShortArray | Converts a Java array of short to a managed array of System.Int16. |
GetArrayLength | 返回数组中的元素数。 |
GetBooleanArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetBooleanField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetByteArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetByteField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetCharArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetCharField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetDoubleArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetDoubleField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetFieldID | 返回类的实例(非静态)字段的字段 ID。 |
GetFloatArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetFloatField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetIntArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetIntField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetLongArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetLongField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetMethodID | 返回类或接口的实例(非静态)方法的方法 ID。 |
GetObjectArrayElement | 返回 Object 数组的一个元素。 |
GetObjectClass | 返回对象的类。 |
GetObjectField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetShortArrayElement | 返回原始数组的一个元素的值。 |
GetShortField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetStaticBooleanField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticByteField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticCharField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticDoubleField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticFieldID | 返回类的静态字段的字段 ID。 |
GetStaticFloatField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticIntField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticLongField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticMethodID | 返回类的静态方法的方法 ID。 |
GetStaticObjectField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticShortField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStaticStringField | Returns the value of a static field of an object. |
GetStringField | Returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. |
GetStringUTFChars | 返回以 Modified UTF-8 编码表示字符串的托管字符串对象。 |
GetStringUTFLength | 返回用 Modified UTF-8表示的字符串的长度,以字节为单位。 |
GetSuperclass | 如果 clazz 表示除类 Object 之外的任意类,此函数将返回的对象表示 clazz 所指定类的超类。 |
GetVersion | 返回本机方法接口的版本。 |
IsAssignableFrom | 确定 clazz1 的对象是否可以安全地转换为 clazz2。 |
IsInstanceOf | 测试对象是否为类的一个实例。 |
IsSameObject | 测试两个引用是否引用同一 Java 对象。 |
NewBooleanArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewByteArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewCharArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewDoubleArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewFloatArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewGlobalRef | 创建对 obj 参数所引用对象的新全局引用。 |
NewIntArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewLocalRef | 创建与 obj 引用相同对象的新局部引用。 |
NewLongArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewObject | 构建一个新的 Java 对象。方法 ID 指示要调用的构造函数方法。此 ID 必须通过调用 GetMethodID() 来获得,调用时 <init> 作为方法名称,void (V) 作为返回类型。 |
NewObjectArray | 构造一个新数组,用于保存类 clazz 中的对象。所有元素最初均设置为 obj。 |
NewShortArray | Constructs a new primitive array object. |
NewStringUTF | 基于用 Modified UTF-8编码表示的字符数组构造一个新 java.lang.String 对象。 |
PopLocalFrame | 弹出当前的局部引用帧,释放所有局部引用,并返回前一局部引用帧中指定 result 对象的局部引用。 |
PushLocalFrame | 创建一个新局部引用帧,可在其中创建不少于指定数量的局部引用。 |
SetBooleanArrayElement | Sets the boolean value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetBooleanField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetByteArrayElement | Sets the sbyte value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetByteField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetCharArrayElement | Sets the char value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetCharField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetDoubleArrayElement | Sets the double value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetDoubleField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetFloatArrayElement | Sets the float value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetFloatField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetIntArrayElement | Sets the int value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetIntField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetLongArrayElement | Sets the long value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetLongField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetObjectArrayElement | 设置 Object 数组的一个元素。 |
SetObjectField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetShortArrayElement | Sets the short value of one element in a primitive array. |
SetShortField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
SetStaticBooleanField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticByteField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticCharField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticDoubleField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticFloatField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticIntField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticLongField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticObjectField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticShortField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStaticStringField | Sets the value of a static field in the specified object. |
SetStringField | Sets the value of an instance field of the specified object. |
Throw | 导致 java.lang.Throwable 对象被抛出。 |
ThrowNew | 使用消息指定的 message 基于指定类构造一个异常对象并导致该异常被抛出。 |
ToBooleanArray | Converts a managed array of System.Boolean to a Java array of boolean. |
ToByteArray | Converts a managed array of System.Byte to a Java array of byte. |
ToCharArray | Converts a managed array of System.Char to a Java array of char. |
ToDoubleArray | Converts a managed array of System.Double to a Java array of double. |
ToFloatArray | Converts a managed array of System.Single to a Java array of float. |
ToIntArray | Converts a managed array of System.Int32 to a Java array of int. |
ToLongArray | Converts a managed array of System.Int64 to a Java array of long. |
ToObjectArray | Converts a managed array of System.IntPtr, representing Java objects, to a Java array of java.lang.Object. |
ToReflectedField | 将派生自 cls 的字段 ID 转换为 java.lang.reflect.Field 对象。 |
ToReflectedMethod | 将派生自 clazz 的方法 ID 转换为 java.lang.reflect.Method 或 java.lang.reflect.Constructor 对象。 |
ToShortArray | Converts a managed array of System.Int16 to a Java array of short. |