阈值,用于限制实时 GI 的更新。测量单位是“强度变化百分比”。
描述在更新实时光照贴图前可更改的输入光照量。当更新输入光照时,Enlighten 会持续累积自解算上次照明以来输入光的强度差。每次更新都会增加当前差异,因此随着时间的推移,它是自上次解算以来的差异总和。每次更新时,Enlighten 都会检查光强度的累积总计与先前结果相比,是否超出 updateThreshold 值(以百分比表示)指定的差值。
较低的值表示实时光照贴图的更新将更频繁,但会导致更多 CPU 负载。较高的值将导致其更新频率更低,但会导致更小 CPU 负载。
A value of 0 means that the realtime lightmap will update even on the smallest change in the input lighting. If the input lighting doesn't change, a value of 0 will not cause any updates to the lightmap. A positive value causes the Global Illumination to only update when the threshold is exceeded. This is useful for saving CPU cycles and updating those parts of the Scene where the lighting is being changed more frequently rather than other areas where the lighting is mostly static. The default value is 1%. Any positive value is fine but we recommend smaller values, as otherwise you might see popping artefacts (and incorrect radiosity).
如果您想节约更多 CPU 周期,那么您没有理由不能超过 100%。该百分比实际上是解算发生前的最大容错。