
class in UnityEditor

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This class is used for entries in the Scenes list, as displayed in the Build Settings window. This class contains the Scene path of a Scene and an enabled flag that indicates wether the Scene is enabled in the BuildSettings window or not.

您可以将此类与 EditorBuildSettings.scenes 结合使用,以通过脚本填充构建中包含的场景列表。在创建自定义编辑器脚本以自动化构建管线时,这非常有用。

有关示例脚本,请参阅 EditorBuildSettings.scenes


enabledWhether this Scene is enabled in the Build Settings window or not. See EditorBuildSettings.scenes for an example of how to use this class.另请参阅:EditorBuildSettingsScene、EditorBuildSettings.scenes。
pathThe file path of the Scene as listed in the Editor Build Settings Scene list. See EditorBuildSettings.scenes for an example of how to use this class.另请参阅:EditorBuildSettingsScene、EditorBuildSettings.scenes。