class in UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements
Inherits from:Experimental.UIElements.FocusEventBase_1
Switch to ManualEvent sent immediately after an element has gained focus. This event trickles down, it does not bubble up, and it cannot be cancelled.
FocusEvent | 构造函数。避免新建事件。而应使用 GetPooled() 从可重用事件池中获取一个事件。 |
bubbles | Whether this event type bubbles up in the event propagation path. |
currentTarget | 事件的当前目标。当前路径是传播路径中目前正在为其执行事件处理程序的元素。 |
dispatch | Whether the event is being dispatched to a visual element. An event cannot be redispatched while it being dispatched. If you need to recursively dispatch an event, it is recommended that you use a copy of the event. |
flags | 事件的标志。 |
imguiEvent | The IMGUIEvent at the source of this event. The source can be null since not all events are generated by IMGUI. |
isDefaultPrevented | 如果不应为此事件执行默认操作,则返回 true。 |
isImmediatePropagationStopped | Whether StopImmediatePropagation() was called for this event. |
isPropagationStopped | Whether StopPropagation() was called for this event. |
originalMousePosition | The original mouse position of the IMGUI event, before it is transformed to the current target local coordinates. |
pooled | Whether the event is allocated from a pool of events. |
propagationPhase | 当前传播阶段。 |
target | The target visual element that received this event. Unlike currentTarget, this target does not change when the event is sent to other elements along the propagation path. |
timestamp | The time when the event was created. |
tricklesDown | Whether this event is sent down the event propagation path during the TrickleDown phase. |
direction | 焦点更改的方向。 |
relatedTarget | For FocusOut and Blur events, contains the element that gains the focus. For FocusIn and Focus events, contains the element that loses the focus. |
Dispose | IDisposable 实现。 |
GetEventTypeId | Retrieves the type id for this event instance. |
PreventDefault | Whether the default actions are prevented from being executed for this event. |
StopImmediatePropagation | Immediately stops the propagation of the event. The event is not sent to other elements along the propagation path. This method prevents other event handlers from executing on the current target. |
StopPropagation | Stops propagating this event. The event is not sent to other elements along the propagation path. This method does not prevent other event handlers from executing on the current target. |
Dispose | IDispose 实现。 |
GetEventTypeId | Retrieves the type id for this event instance. |
Init | Resets all event members to their initial values. |
Init | Resets all event members to their initial values. |
Init | Resets the event members to their initial values. |
RegisterEventType | Registers an event class to the event type system. |
GetPooled | Gets an event from the event pool. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using Dispose(). |
TypeId | Gets the type id for the event class. |
GetPooled | Gets an event from the event pool and initializes the event with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using Dispose(). |