Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements.GraphView


Inherits from:Experimental.UIElements.GraphView.Scope

Switch to Manual


Allows interactive insertion of elements in a named scope.




GroupGroup constructor.

Public Functions

AcceptsElementWhether an element can be added to this group.

Protected Functions

OnElementsAddedCalled when elements are added to this group.
OnElementsRemovedCalled when elements are removed from this group.
OnGroupRenamedCalled when this group is renamed.

Inherited members

Static Variables

defaultFocusIndexThe default focus index for newly created elements.


canGrabFocus如果元素可以获得焦点,则返回 true。
capabilitiesThe GraphElement's capabilities.
elementTypeColorThe color used for the MiniMap view.
layerThe GraphElement's layer in the graph.
selectedTrue if the GraphElement is currently selected.
titleThe GraphElement's title.
autoUpdateGeometryEnables or disables the automatic resizing and positioning of the Scope.
containedElementsThe list of GraphElements contained by the Scope.
containedElementsRectThe rect containing the GraphElements encompassed by the Scope. The rect is expressed in local coordinates.
headerContainerReturns the header container for the Scope. Use this header container to customizer the header of the Scope.
childCount 此对象的 contentContainer 中的子元素数
contentContainer 子元素通常添加到此元素中
dataWatch对此元素 DataWatch 接口的访问。
enabledInHierarchy如果 VisualElement 是在它自己的层级视图中启用,则返回 true。
enabledSelf如果 VisualElement 是本地启用,则返回 true。
schedule检索此 VisualElement 的 IVisualElementScheduler
shadow 访问此元素物理层级视图
this[int] 访问此元素物理层级视图
tooltipText to display inside an information box after the user hovers the element for a small amount of time.
userData此属性可用于将特定于应用程序的用户数据与此 VisualElement 关联。

Public Functions

HasBubbleUpHandlersReturn true if event handlers for the event propagation BubbleUp phase have been attached on this object.
HasTrickleDownHandlersReturns true if event handlers, for the event propagation TrickleDown phase, are attached to this object.
RegisterCallbackAdds an event handler to the instance. If the event handler has already been registered for the same phase (either TrickleDown or BubbleUp) then this method has no effect.
SendEventSends an event to the event handler.
GetGlobalCenterGet the GraphElement's center point.
GetPositionGet the GraphElement position.
HitTestSee if point is over the GraphElement.
IsAscendableChecks if the GraphElement is automatically brought to front when selected.
IsDroppableThe GraphElement is drag&droppable.
IsMovableThe GraphElement is movable.
IsResizableThe GraphElement is resizable.
IsSelectableThe GraphElement is selectable.
IsSelectedThe GraphElement is currently selected in specific container.
OnSelectedCalled when the GraphElement is selected.
OnUnselectedCalled when the GraphElement is unselected.
ResetLayerReset the GraphElement to its original layer.
SelectSelect the GraphElement.
SetPositionSet the GraphElement position.
UnselectDeselect the GraphElement.
AddElementAdds a GraphElement to the Scope.
AddElementsAdds GraphElements to the Scope.
ContainsElementDetermines if the Scope contains the specified GraphElement.
GetPositionReturns the geometry of the Scope.
HitTestDetermines whether the specified point is within the selectable area of the Scope.
OverlapsDetermines whether the specified rect overlaps the Scope.
RemoveElementRemoves an element from the Scope.
RemoveElementsRemoves elements from the Scope.
RemoveElementsWithoutNotificationRemoves elements from the Scope but do not send a notification.
SetPositionSets the geometry of the Scope.
UpdateGeometryFromContentUpdates the size and position of the Scope based on its contents.
Add向此元素的 contentContainer 添加一个元素
Children从元素的 contentContainer 返回元素
Clear从此元素的 contentContainer 中删除所有子元素
Contains如果元素是此 VisualElement 的直接子级,则返回 true
EnableInClassListEnables or disables the class with the given name.
FindAncestorUserData向上搜索此 VisualElement 的层级视图并检索存储的 userData(如果找到)。
FindCommonAncestor查找 VisualTree 层级视图中两个 VisualElement 之间的最低共同上级
GetFirstAncestorOfType从此元素的父级开始向上访问层级视图,返回第一个此类型的 VisualElement
GetFirstOfType从此元素开始向上访问层级视图,返回第一个此类型的 VisualElement
GetFullHierarchicalPersistenceKey将此 VisualElement 与其父级的 VisualElement.persistenceKey 进行组合,从而创建更具唯一性的键以供 VisualElement.GetOrCreatePersistentData 使用。
IndexOfRetrieves the child index of the specified VisualElement.
Insert向此元素的 contentContainer 插入一个元素
MarkDirtyRepaintTriggers a repaint of the VisualElement on the next frame.
OnPersistentDataReady当持久数据可访问和/或当数据或持久键发生更改时调用(VisualElement 有正确的父子关系)。
RemoveAt从此元素的 contentContainer 中删除位于此位置的子元素
SendEventSends an event to the event handler.
SetEnabledChanges whether the current VisualElement is enabled or not. When disabled, a VisualElement does not receive most events.
Sort重新排序来自此 VisualElement contentContainer 的子元素。
ToggleInClassListToggles between adding and removing the given class name from the class list.

Protected Functions

ScheduleUpdateGeometryFromContentSchedules the update of the size and position of the Scope based on its contents.
SetScopePositionOnlyChange the position of the scope but does not move its elements.