protected Bounds OnHandleChanged (IMGUI.Controls.PrimitiveBoundsHandle.HandleDirection handle, Bounds boundsOnClick, Bounds newBounds);


boundsOnClick单击控制手柄时此实例体积的原始 Bounds
newBounds此实例体积的原始 Bounds(基于更新的手柄位置)。


Bounds 应该应用于此实例的边界(已对实例应用所有必要的修改)。


A callback for when a control handle was dragged in the Scene.

This method ensures that the radius axes scale uniformly and that the height and radius parameters cannot fall outside their acceptable ranges relative to one another.

The height control handles cannot be made smaller than the diameter. Enlarging the diameter handles automatically increases the height if needed. The height value at the time the control was clicked is preferred until the user releases the control handle.