collider | 定义用于查询其他碰撞体重叠的区域的碰撞体。 |
contactFilter | 接触筛选器,用于以不同方式筛选结果,例如按层遮罩、Z 深度。注意,法线角度不用于重叠测试。 |
results | 用于接收结果的数组。该数组的大小决定可返回的结果的最大数量。 |
返回放置在 results
Gets a list of all Colliders that overlap the given collider
整数返回值是与 collider
另请参阅:Collider2D.OverlapCollider 和 Rigidbody2D.OverlapCollider。
collider | The Collider that defines the area used to query for other Collider overlaps. |
contactFilter | 接触筛选器,用于以不同方式筛选结果,例如按层遮罩、Z 深度。注意,法线角度不用于重叠测试。 |
results | The list to receive results. |
Returns the number of results placed in the results
Gets a list of all Colliders that overlap the given collider
The integer return value is the number of results written into the results
list. The results list will be resized if it doesn't contain enough elements to report all the results. This prevents memory from being allocated for results when the results
list does not need to be resized, and improves garbage collection performance when the query is performed frequently.
The results can also be filtered by the contactFilter
另请参阅:Collider2D.OverlapCollider 和 Rigidbody2D.OverlapCollider。