Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory.Experimental

Implements interfaces:ISerializationCallbackReceiver

Switch to Manual


PackedMemorySnapshot 是播放器通过性能分析器连接发送的内存快照的紧凑表示。


captureFlagsFlags corresponding to the fields present in a returned memory snapshot.
connections连接是 from,to 对数组,描述各方之间的依存关系。
fieldDescriptionsArray of Field Descriptions, referenced by Type Description entries by array index.
filePathPath to the memory snapshot file.
gcHandlesmemorysnapshot 中使用的所有 GC 句柄。
managedStacksArray of managed stacks in a memory snapshot.
metadataMeta data that was collected during memory snapshot capture.
nativeAllocationsArray of native allocation data, captured in C++.
nativeAllocationSitesArray of native allocation site data, captured in C++.
nativeCallstackSymbolsArray of callstack symbols, used by native allocation site data.
nativeMemoryLabelsArray of memory labels, used by native allocation site data.
nativeMemoryRegionsArray of native memory regions, which houses native allocations.
nativeObjects创建快照时加载的所有本机 C++ 对象。
nativeRootReferencesArray of native root references, which represent ownership of native allocation data.
nativeTypes对进行性能分析的播放器了解的所有 C++ unity 类型的描述。
recordDateThe time and date at which the snapshot was recorded.
typeDescriptionsAn array of indexes into PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions indetifying the type this field belongs to.
versionThe current snapshot format version.
virtualMachineInformationInformation about the virtual machine running executing the managed code inside the player.

Static Functions

LoadLoad memory snapshot from given file path.
SaveCopy the memory snapshot file to the given file path.