Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory.Experimental

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A class that houses type description entries, returned from PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions.


baseOrElementTypeIndex此类型的基本类型,由编入 PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions 的索引指向该类型。
fieldIndicesAn array containing indices pointing to descriptions of all fields of this type, accessible from PackedMemorySnapshot.fieldDescriptions.
flagsFlags set for this type description, that define whether this type is an array or a value type, and the array rank of the type.
sizeSize in bytes of an instance of this type. If this type is an array type, this describes the amount of bytes a single element in the array will take up.
typeDescriptionNameThe name of this type.
typeIndexThe type index of this type. This index is an index into the PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions array.
typeInfoAddressThe address in memory that contains the description of this type inside the virtual machine. This can be used to match managed objects in the heap to their corresponding TypeDescription, as the first pointer of a managed object points to its type description.

Public Functions

GetNumEntriesThe number of type description entries.