
struct in UnityEngine.SceneManagement

Switch to Manual


*.unity 文件的运行时数据结构。


buildIndexReturn the index of the Scene in the Build Settings.
isDirtyReturns true if the Scene is modifed.
isLoadedReturns true if the Scene is loaded.
nameReturns the name of the Scene.
pathReturns the relative path of the Scene. Like: "Assets/MyScenes/MyScene.unity".
rootCountThe number of root transforms of this Scene.

Public Functions

GetRootGameObjectsReturns all the root game objects in the Scene.
IsValidWhether this is a valid Scene. A Scene may be invalid if, for example, you tried to open a Scene that does not exist. In this case, the Scene returned from EditorSceneManager.OpenScene would return False for IsValid.


operator !=如果场景不同,则返回 true。
operator ==如果场景相同,则返回 true。