public Vector3 eulerAngles ;



x、y 和 z 角表示一个围绕 Z 轴旋转 z 度、围绕 X 轴旋转 x 度、围绕 Y 轴旋转 y 度的旋转。

Only use this variable to read and set the angles to absolute values. Don't increment them, as it will fail when the angle exceeds 360 degrees. Use Transform.Rotate instead.

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Assign an absolute rotation using eulerAngles float yRotation = 5.0f;

void Start() { // Print the rotation around the global X Axis print(transform.eulerAngles.x); // Print the rotation around the global Y Axis print(transform.eulerAngles.y); // Print the rotation around the global Z Axis print(transform.eulerAngles.z); }

void Update() { yRotation += Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(10, yRotation, 0); } }

Do not set one of the eulerAngles axis separately (eg. eulerAngles.x = 10; ) since this will lead to drift and undesired rotations. When setting them to a new value set them all at once as shown above. Unity will convert the angles to and from the rotation stored in Transform.rotation.