Noise 模块
Inherit Velocity 模块

Limit Velocity Over Lifetime 模块



属性 功能
Separate Axes 将轴拆分为单独的 X、Y 和 Z 分量。
Speed Set the speed limit of the particles.
Space 选择速度限制是适用局部空间还是世界空间。仅当启用了 Separate Axes 时,此选项才可用。
Dampen 当粒子速度超过速度限制时,粒子速度降低的比例。


This effect is very useful for simulating air resistance that slows the particles, especially when a decreasing curve is used to lower the speed limit over time. For example, an explosion or firework initially bursts at great speed but the particles emitted from it rapidly slow down as they pass through the air.

Noise 模块
Inherit Velocity 模块