material | 要使用的 Material。 |
bounds | 围绕要绘制的实例的包围体。 |
topology | 程序化几何体的拓扑。 |
instanceCount | 要渲染的实例数。 |
vertexCount | 要渲染的顶点数。 |
camera | 如果为 /null/(默认值),将在所有摄像机中绘制网格。否则,仅在给定摄像机中渲染网格。 |
properties | 在绘制此网格之前应用于材质的其他材质属性。请参阅 MaterialPropertyBlock。 |
castShadows | 网格是否应投射阴影? |
receiveShadows | 网格是否应接受阴影? |
layer | 要使用的 Layer。 |
Draws procedural geometry on the GPU.
DrawProcedural does a draw call on the GPU, without any vertex or index buffers.
This is mainly useful on Shader Model 4.5 level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.
There's also similar functionality in CommandBuffers, see CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural.
material | 要使用的 Material。 |
bounds | 围绕要绘制的实例的包围体。 |
topology | 程序化几何体的拓扑。 |
indexBuffer | Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. |
instanceCount | 要渲染的实例数。 |
indexCount | Index count to render. |
camera | 如果为 /null/(默认值),将在所有摄像机中绘制网格。否则,仅在给定摄像机中渲染网格。 |
properties | 在绘制此网格之前应用于材质的其他材质属性。请参阅 MaterialPropertyBlock。 |
castShadows | 网格是否应投射阴影? |
receiveShadows | 网格是否应接受阴影? |
layer | 要使用的 Layer。 |
Draws procedural geometry on the GPU.
DrawProcedural does a draw call on the GPU, without a vertex buffer.
This is mainly useful on Shader Model 4.5 level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.
There's also similar functionality in CommandBuffers, see CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural.