
Switch to Manual


OnBecameVisible 在对象变为对任意摄像机可见时调用。

该消息将发送到附加到渲染器的所有脚本。 OnBecameVisibleOnBecameInvisible 有助于避免仅在对象可见时才需要进行的计算。

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Disable the behaviour when it becomes invisible... void OnBecameInvisible() { enabled = false; }

// ...and enable it again when it becomes visible. void OnBecameVisible() { enabled = true; } }

Note that object is considered visible when it needs to be rendered in the Scene. It might not be actually visible by any camera, but still need to be rendered for shadows for example. Also, when running in the editor, the Scene view cameras will also cause this function to be called.
