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public static bool TryParseHtmlString (string htmlString, out Color color);


htmlString 要转换为颜色的不区分大小写的 html 字符串。
color 转换的颜色。


bool 如果成功转换字符串,则为 true,否则为 false。


尝试转换 html 颜色字符串。


When not specified alpha will default to FF.
Strings that do not begin with '#' will be parsed as literal colors, with the following supported:
red, cyan, blue, darkblue, lightblue, purple, yellow, lime, fuchsia, white, silver, grey, black, orange, brown, maroon, green, olive, navy, teal, aqua, magenta..

The following example creates a custom PropertyDrawer that allows the user to input html colors. This property drawer can be shown in the inspector when a color property has the attribute ColorHtmlProperty.

our custom property drawer.

// This is not an editor script.
using UnityEngine;

public class ColorHtmlPropertyAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }

// This is an editor script and should be placed in an 'Editor' directory.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(ColorHtmlPropertyAttribute))] public class ColorHtmlPropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer { public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { Rect htmlField = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width - 100, position.height); Rect colorField = new Rect(position.x + htmlField.width, position.y, position.width - htmlField.width, position.height);

string htmlValue = EditorGUI.TextField(htmlField, label, "#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlColorStringRGBA(property.colorValue));

Color newCol; if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(htmlValue, out newCol)) property.colorValue = newCol;

property.colorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(colorField, property.colorValue); } }

// This shows how we would use the PropertyDrawer.
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { [ColorHtmlProperty] public Color htmlColor =;

public Color standardColor =; }