设置 Analytics
Overview page

Analytics Dashboard

Unity Analytics 服务提供一个可用于以下用途的 Web 控制面板:

  • 显示 Analytics 数据
  • 执行数据分段和分析
  • 执行实时操作
  • 配置 Unity Analytics 服务

The Analytics dashboard contains several pages for these purposes:

Analytics section:

  • Overview – 基于 Analytics 数据生成的常见主要性能指标的预设显示页面。
  • Data Explorer – 构建、查看和导出 Analytics 数据的报告。
  • Funnel Analyzer – 通过构建漏斗图来分析玩家在游戏中的进度和行为。
  • Segment Builder – 通过自定义细分段来描述玩家群体的特征。
  • Livestream – 实时查看 Analytics 事件。(仅限 Plus 和 Pro 订阅)
  • Raw Data Export – 导出原始的事件数据。(仅限 Pro 订阅)
  • Event Manager – 列出并管理自定义事件。
  • Market Insights – Consult the Market Insights page to research trends in the computer hardware used to play Unity games.

Optimization section:

  • A/B Testing – (Open Beta) Conduct A/B testing based on Remote Settings.
  • Remote Settings – Change application variables remotely and without an application update. Find the Remote Settings page in the Optimization section of the dashboard.

Settings section:

  • Configure – Project Analytics settings. Find the Configure page under Settings > Analytics Settings on the dashboard.

  • 2018–08–23 Page published with editorial review
  • New feature in Unity 2017.1
设置 Analytics
Overview page