通用 Windows 平台:性能分析器

通用 Windows 平台:部署

如何部署通用 Windows 应用程序

  • Go to Build Settings and build your Project to a folder.

  • Visual Studio solution will be generated.

  • 本地计算机上运行:
    • Make sure that the selected solution platform is x86 or x64 and Debug target is set to “Local machine”.
    • Go to Debug -> Start debugging or press F5.
  • 远程机器上运行:
    • If you are deploying to ARM architecture device, make sure that ARM or ARM64 is selected as Solution Platform.
    • Start Visual Studio Remote debugger on a remote machine.
    • Go to Visual Studio project settings -> Debug.
    • Set target device to “Remote machine”.
    • Find a remote machine in the list and select “Universal” authentication method.
    • Go to Debug -> Start debugging or press F5.
    • If you cannot connect to a remote machine, make sure that a Firewall does not block it.
  • 模拟器中运行:
    • Set Debug Target to “Simulator”.
    • Go to Debug -> Start debugging or press F5.

• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

通用 Windows 平台:性能分析器