public static RaycastHit[] CapsuleCastAll (Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2, float radius, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance= Mathf.Infinity, int layerMask= DefaultRaycastLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction= QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);


point1胶囊体在 start 处的球体中心。
point2胶囊体在 end 处的球体中心。
layermask 层遮罩,用于在投射胶囊体时有选择地忽略碰撞体。


RaycastHit[] 扫描中命中的所有碰撞体的数组。


Physics.CapsuleCast 类似,但该函数将返回胶囊体扫描相交的所有命中对象。

Casts a capsule against all colliders in the Scene and returns detailed information on each collider which was hit. The capsule is defined by the two spheres with radius around point1 and point2, which form the two ends of the capsule. Hits are returned all colliders which would collide against this capsule if the capsule was moved along direction. This is useful when a Raycast does not give enough precision, because you want to find out if an object of a specific size, such as a character, will be able to move somewhere without colliding with anything on the way.

注意:对于在扫描开始时与胶囊体重叠的碰撞体,将 RaycastHit.normal 设置为与扫描方向相反,RaycastHit.distance 设置为零,并在 RaycastHit.point 中返回零向量。您应该检查您的特定查询是否遇到这种情况,并执行其他查询来优化结果。传递零作为半径会导致未定义的输出,其行为并不总是与 Physics.Raycast 相同。


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Update() { RaycastHit[] hits; CharacterController charCtrl = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); Vector3 p1 = transform.position + + Vector3.up * -charCtrl.height * 0.5F; Vector3 p2 = p1 + Vector3.up * charCtrl.height;

// Cast character controller shape 10 meters forward, to see if it is about to hit anything hits = Physics.CapsuleCastAll(p1, p2, charCtrl.radius, transform.forward, 10);

// Change the material of all hit colliders // to use a transparent Shader for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { RaycastHit hit = hits[i]; Renderer rend = hit.transform.GetComponent<Renderer>();

if (rend) { rend.material.shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"); Color tempColor = rend.material.color; tempColor.a = 0.3F; rend.material.color = tempColor; } } } }