GenericMenu 允许您创建自定义上下文菜单和下拉菜单。
下面的示例打开了一个带有按钮的编辑器窗口。单击该按钮可显示上下文菜单,您可以通过该菜单更改应用于窗口中 GUI 的颜色。将示例的内容复制到名为 GenericMenuExample.cs 的脚本中,然后将其置于您项目中的 Editor 文件夹内。.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class GenericMenuExample : EditorWindow
// open the window from the menu item Example -> GUI Color
[MenuItem("Example/GUI Color")]
static void Init()
EditorWindow window = GetWindow<GenericMenuExample>();
window.position = new Rect(50f, 50f, 200f, 24f);
// serialize field on window so its value will be saved when Unity recompiles
Color m_Color = Color.white;
void OnEnable()
titleContent = new GUIContent("GUI Color");
// a method to simplify adding menu items
void AddMenuItemForColor(GenericMenu menu, string menuPath, Color color)
// the menu item is marked as selected if it matches the current value of m_Color
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(menuPath), m_Color.Equals(color), OnColorSelected, color);
// the GenericMenu.MenuFunction2 event handler for when a menu item is selected
void OnColorSelected(object color)
m_Color = (Color)color;
void OnGUI()
// set the GUI to use the color stored in m_Color
GUI.color = m_Color;
// display the GenericMenu when pressing a button
if (GUILayout.Button("Select GUI Color"))
// create the menu and add items to it
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
// forward slashes nest menu items under submenus
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "RGB/Red",;
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "RGB/Green",;
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "RGB/Blue",;
// an empty string will create a separator at the top level
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "CMYK/Cyan", Color.cyan);
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "CMYK/Yellow", Color.yellow);
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "CMYK/Magenta", Color.magenta);
// a trailing slash will nest a separator in a submenu
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "CMYK/Black",;
AddMenuItemForColor(menu, "White", Color.white);
// display the menu
AddDisabledItem | 向菜单添加已禁用的项。 |
AddItem | 向菜单添加一个项。 |
AddSeparator | 向菜单添加一个分隔符项。 |
DropDown | 在给定屏幕矩形中显示菜单。 |
GetItemCount | 获取菜单中的项数。 |
ShowAsContext | 右键单击时在鼠标下显示菜单。 |
MenuFunction | 回调函数,菜单项选中时调用。 |
MenuFunction2 | 带有用户数据的回调函数,菜单项选中时调用。 |