public Color GetPixel (int x, int y);


返回坐标 (x, y) 上的像素颜色。

如果这些像素坐标超出边界(大于宽度/高度或小于 0), 则将被限制或者将根据该纹理的包裹模式进行重复。


如果您从纹理读取大像素块, 使用 GetPixels32GetPixels 可能更快,它返回整块像素颜色。

The texture must have the read/write enabled flag set in the texture import settings, otherwise this function will fail. GetPixel is not available on Textures using Crunch texture compression.


// Sets the y coordinate of the transform to follow the heightmap
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Texture2D heightmap; public Vector3 size = new Vector3(100, 10, 100);

void Update() { int x = Mathf.FloorToInt(transform.position.x / size.x * heightmap.width); int z = Mathf.FloorToInt(transform.position.z / size.z * heightmap.height); Vector3 pos = transform.position; pos.y = heightmap.GetPixel(x, z).grayscale * size.y; transform.position = pos; } }