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public static void RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo (Object objectToUndo, string name);





This function works similarly to Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo. The key difference is that instead of copying the states of a single object, this function stores the states of a hierarchy of objects. Depending on the type of objectToUndo, the hierarchy is determined differently:

* If objectToUndo is a game object, the hierarchy will contain (a) objectToUndo itself and its child game objects; (b) the components attached to these game objects.

* If objectToUndo is a component attached to an existing game object, the hierarchy will contain the game object and all of its components, including objectToUndo. Child game objects are NOT involved in this case.

* In all other cases, the hierarchy will only contain objectToUndo itself. It's then equivalent to calling Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo with the same parameters.

If the undo is performed, any changes made to the objects in the above described hierarchy after this function is called will be undone, and the objects will be restored to the recorded state.

Transform parent change, AddComponent, and object destruction can not be restored with this function, for that you should use the dedicated functions. See Undo.SetTransformParent, Undo.AddComponent, Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate.

If any object involved is part of the current Scene (e.g. a game object in the Hierarchy window or a component attached to such game object), calling this function will immediately mark the Scene as modified, even if you don't actually change the states of the objects afterwards.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class UndoExamples { [MenuItem("Undo Examples/RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo 1")] static void Example1() { GameObject root = new GameObject("Root"); MeshRenderer rootComponent1 = root.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); MeshCollider rootComponent2 = root.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();

GameObject child = new GameObject("Child"); child.transform.parent = root.transform; MeshRenderer childComponent1 = child.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); MeshCollider childComponent2 = child.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();

// Store the states of 'root' and its children. Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(root, "full object hierarchy change");

root.name = "New Root"; child.name = "New Child";

rootComponent1.enabled = false; rootComponent2.enabled = false;

childComponent1.enabled = false; childComponent2.enabled = false;

// If you choose "Edit->Undo full object hierarchy change" from the main menu now, // the states of both game objects and their components will be restored to what they were right before calling Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo. } }
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class UndoExamples { [MenuItem("Undo Examples/RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo 2")] static void Example2() { GameObject root = new GameObject("Root"); MeshRenderer rootComponent1 = root.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); MeshCollider rootComponent2 = root.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();

GameObject child = new GameObject("Child"); child.transform.parent = root.transform; MeshRenderer childComponent1 = child.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); MeshCollider childComponent2 = child.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();

// Store the states of 'root' and all of its components. Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(rootComponent1, "full object hierarchy change");

root.name = "New Root"; child.name = "New Child";

rootComponent1.enabled = false; rootComponent2.enabled = false;

childComponent1.enabled = false; childComponent2.enabled = false;

// If you choose "Edit->Undo full object hierarchy change" from the main menu now, // the states of 'root' and all of its components will be restored to what they were right before calling Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo, // but changes made to 'child' and its components won't be restored. } }

Obsolete public static void RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo (Object objectToUndo);


此重载已弃用。请使用 Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(Object, string)。