MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer.
Movie Textures are textures onto which movies are played back. They can be used for cutscene movie sequences, or to render movies into the Scene itself.
currentTextureMemory | The amount of memory currently being used by textures. |
desiredTextureMemory | This amount of texture memory would be used before the texture streaming budget is applied. |
nonStreamingTextureCount | Number of non-streaming textures. |
nonStreamingTextureMemory | Total amount of memory being used by non-streaming textures. |
streamingMipmapUploadCount | How many times has a texture been uploaded due to texture mipmap streaming. |
streamingRendererCount | Number of renderers registered with the texture streaming system. |
streamingTextureCount | Number of streaming textures. |
streamingTextureDiscardUnusedMips | Force the streaming texture system to discard all unused mipmaps immediately, rather than caching them until the texture memory budget is exceeded. |
streamingTextureForceLoadAll | Force streaming textures to load all mipmap levels. |
streamingTextureLoadingCount | Number of streaming textures with mipmaps currently loading. |
streamingTexturePendingLoadCount | Number of streaming textures with outstanding mipmaps to be loaded. |
targetTextureMemory | The amount of memory used by textures after the mipmap streaming and budget are applied and loading is complete. |
totalTextureMemory | The total amount of memory that would be used by all textures at mipmap level 0. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | 对象的名称。 |
anisoLevel | 纹理的各向异性过滤级别。 |
dimension | 纹理的维度(类型)(只读)。 |
filterMode | 纹理的过滤模式。 |
height | 纹理的高度(以像素为单位)。(只读) |
imageContentsHash | 纹理的哈希值。 |
isReadable | Returns true if the Read/Write Enabled checkbox was checked when the texture was imported; otherwise returns false. For a dynamic Texture created from script, always returns true. For additional information, see TextureImporter.isReadable. |
mipMapBias | 纹理的多级渐进纹理偏差。 |
updateCount | 更新纹理时,此计数器会递增。 |
width | 纹理的宽度(以像素为单位)。(只读) |
wrapMode | 纹理坐标换行模式。 |
wrapModeU | 纹理 U 坐标换行模式。 |
wrapModeV | 纹理 V 坐标换行模式。 |
wrapModeW | Texture3D 的纹理 W 坐标换行模式。 |
GetInstanceID | 返回对象的实例 ID。 |
ToString | 返回 GameObject 的名称。 |
GetNativeTexturePtr | 获取指向纹理资源的原生(底层图形 API)指针。 |
IncrementUpdateCount | 递增更新计数器。 |
Destroy | 删除 GameObject、组件或资源。 |
DestroyImmediate | 立即销毁对象 /obj/。强烈建议您改用 Destroy。 |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | 返回第一个类型为 type 的已加载的激活对象。 |
FindObjectsOfType | 返回所有类型为 type 的已加载的激活对象的列表。 |
Instantiate | 克隆 original 对象并返回克隆对象。 |
SetGlobalAnisotropicFilteringLimits | 设置各向异性限制。 |
SetStreamingTextureMaterialDebugProperties | Uploads additional debug information to materials using textures set to stream mip maps. |
bool | 该对象是否存在? |
operator != | 比较两个对象是否引用不同的对象。 |
operator == | 比较两个对象引用,判断它们是否引用同一个对象。 |