Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI


Inherits from:ScriptableObject

Switch to Manual


Base class for terrain painting tools.

Derive from this class to implement your own terrain painting tools.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI;

namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI { public class MyPaintHeightTool : TerrainPaintTool<MyPaintHeightTool> { Material m_Material = null; Material GetPaintMaterial() { if (m_Material == null) m_Material = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Terrain/PaintHeight")); return m_Material; }

public override string GetName() { return "My Paint Height Tool"; }

public override string GetDesc() { return "Left click to raise.\n\nHold shift and left click to lower."; }

public override void OnSceneGUI(Terrain terrain, IOnSceneGUI editContext) { TerrainPaintUtilityEditor.ShowDefaultPreviewBrush(terrain, editContext.brushTexture, editContext.brushSize); }

public override bool OnPaint(Terrain terrain, IOnPaint editContext) { Material mat = TerrainPaintUtility.GetBuiltinPaintMaterial();

float rotationDegrees = 0.0f; BrushTransform brushXform = TerrainPaintUtility.CalculateBrushTransform(terrain, editContext.uv, editContext.brushSize, rotationDegrees); PaintContext paintContext = TerrainPaintUtility.BeginPaintHeightmap(terrain, brushXform.GetBrushXYBounds());

// apply brush Vector4 brushParams = new Vector4(editContext.brushStrength * 0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); mat.SetTexture("_BrushTex", editContext.brushTexture); mat.SetVector("_BrushParams", brushParams); TerrainPaintUtility.SetupTerrainToolMaterialProperties(paintContext, brushXform, mat);

Graphics.Blit(paintContext.sourceRenderTexture, paintContext.destinationRenderTexture, mat, (int)TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses.RaiseLowerHeight);

TerrainPaintUtility.EndPaintHeightmap(paintContext, "Terrain Paint - MyPaintHeightTool"); return false; } } }

Public Functions

GetDescRetrieves the description of the custom terrain tool.
GetNameRetrieves the name of the custom terrain tool.
OnDisableCalled when the tool is destroyed.
OnEnableCalled when the tool is created.
OnInspectorGUICustom terrain tool OnInspectorGUI callback.
OnPaintCustom terrain tool paint callback.
OnSceneGUICustom terrain tool OnSceneGUI callback.

Inherited members


hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?

Public Functions

GetInstanceID返回对象的实例 ID。
ToString返回 GameObject 的名称。

Static Functions

Destroy删除 GameObject、组件或资源。
DestroyImmediate立即销毁对象 /obj/。强烈建议您改用 Destroy。
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindObjectOfType返回第一个类型为 type 的已加载的激活对象。
FindObjectsOfType返回所有类型为 type 的已加载的激活对象的列表。
Instantiate克隆 original 对象并返回克隆对象。


operator !=比较两个对象是否引用不同的对象。
operator ==比较两个对象引用,判断它们是否引用同一个对象。


Awake当 ScriptableObject 脚本启动时调用此函数。