class in UnityEngine.Experimental.VFX
Inherits from:Behaviour
Switch to ManualThe visual effect class that references an VisualEffectAsset instance within the Scene.
aliveParticleCount | Returns the sum of all alive particles within the visual effect. |
culled | Is this visual effect culled (not visible) from any camera ? (Read Only) |
pause | The paused state of visual effect. |
playRate | A multiplier applied to the delta time when updating the VisualEffect. The default value is 1.0f. |
resetSeedOnPlay | Controls whether the visual effect generates a new random number to seed the random number generator for each call to VisualEffect.Play function. |
startSeed | The initial seed used used for internal random number generator. |
visualEffectAsset | The visual effect asset used by the visual effect. |
VisualEffect | The visual effect constructor. |
AdvanceOneFrame | If VisualEffect.pause is true, the method processes the next visual effect update for exactly one frame with the current delta time. |
CreateVFXEventAttribute | Create a new event attribute class. |
GetAnimationCurve | Gets a named exposed animation curve. |
GetBool | Get a named exposed boolean. |
GetFloat | Gets a named exposed float (o. |
GetGradient | Gets a named exposed gradient. |
GetInt | Get named exposed integer. |
GetMatrix4x4 | Gets named exposed Matrix4x4. |
GetMesh | Gets named exposed mesh. |
GetTexture | Gets named exposed texture. |
GetTextureDimension | Get expected texture dimension for a named exposed texture. |
GetUInt | Get named exposed unsigned integer. |
GetVector2 | Gets named exposed Vector2. |
GetVector3 | Gets named exposed Vector3. |
GetVector4 | Gets named exposed Vector4. |
HasAnimationCurve | Returns true if visual effect can override this named animation curve. |
HasBool | Returns true if the visual effect can override the boolean. |
HasFloat | Returns true if the visual effect can override this named float. |
HasGradient | Returns true if visual effect can override this named gradient. |
HasInt | Returns true if the visual effect can override this named integer. |
HasMatrix4x4 | Returns true if visual effect can override this named Matrix4x4. |
HasMesh | Returns true if visual effect can override this named mesh. |
HasTexture | Returns true if visual effect can override this named texture. |
HasUInt | Returns true if the visual effect can override this named unsigned integer. |
HasVector2 | Returns true if visual effect can override this named Vector2. |
HasVector3 | Returns true if visual effect can override this named Vector3. |
HasVector4 | Returns true if visual effect can override this named Vector4. |
Play | Sends a stop event to all Spawn systems. If VisualEffect.resetSeedOnPlay is true, this methods recomputes a new random seed for the random value generator and resets internal total time to zero. |
Reinit | Reintialize visual effect. |
ResetOverride | Sets the overridden state to false, and restores the default value that is specified in the visual effect Asset. |
SendEvent | Send a custom named event. |
SetAnimationCurve | Sets a named animation curve value. |
SetBool | Sets the value for a named boolean. |
SetFloat | Sets the value for a named float. |
SetGradient | Sets a named gradient value. |
SetInt | Sets the value for a named integer. |
SetMatrix4x4 | Sets a named Matrix4x4 value. |
SetMesh | Sets a named mesh value. |
SetTexture | Sets a named texture value. |
SetUInt | Sets the value for a named unsigned integer. |
SetVector2 | Sets the value for a named Vector2. |
SetVector3 | Sets the value for a named Vector3. |
SetVector4 | Sets a named Vector4 value. |
Stop | Send a stop event to all Spawn systems. |
enabled | 启用的 Behaviour 可更新,禁用的 Behaviour 不可更新。 |
isActiveAndEnabled | Has the Behaviour had active and enabled called? |
gameObject | 此组件附加到的游戏对象。始终将组件附加到游戏对象。 |
tag | 此游戏对象的标签。 |
transform | 附加到此 GameObject 的 Transform。 |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | 对象的名称。 |
BroadcastMessage | 调用此游戏对象或其任何子项中的每个 MonoBehaviour 上名为 methodName 的方法。 |
CompareTag | 此游戏对象是否使用 tag 进行了标记? |
GetComponent | 如果游戏对象附加了类型为 type 的组件,则将其返回,否则返回 null。 |
GetComponentInChildren | 使用深度首次搜索返回 GameObject 或其任何子项中类型为 type 的组件。 |
GetComponentInParent | 返回 GameObject 或其任何父项中类型为 type 的组件。 |
GetComponents | 返回 GameObject 中类型为 type 的所有组件。 |
GetComponentsInChildren | 返回 GameObject 或其任何子项中类型为 type 的所有组件。 |
GetComponentsInParent | 返回 GameObject 或其任何父项中类型为 type 的所有组件。 |
SendMessage | 调用此游戏对象中的每个 MonoBehaviour 上名为 methodName 的方法。 |
SendMessageUpwards | 调用此游戏对象中的每个 MonoBehaviour 上或此行为的每个父级上名为 methodName 的方法。 |
GetInstanceID | 返回对象的实例 ID。 |
ToString | 返回 GameObject 的名称。 |
Destroy | 删除 GameObject、组件或资源。 |
DestroyImmediate | 立即销毁对象 /obj/。强烈建议您改用 Destroy。 |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | 返回第一个类型为 type 的已加载的激活对象。 |
FindObjectsOfType | 返回所有类型为 type 的已加载的激活对象的列表。 |
Instantiate | 克隆 original 对象并返回克隆对象。 |
bool | 该对象是否存在? |
operator != | 比较两个对象是否引用不同的对象。 |
operator == | 比较两个对象引用,判断它们是否引用同一个对象。 |